Raeleen Shya Laughs too Much - Shorts

The Shya Family The Shya Family is an upper class family living in a penthouse in San Myshuno. Sean Shya is a family man. Although the family lives in Uptown, the financial district, Sean would rather spend time with his family than on his investment strategies. Don't get it twisted, Sean is a shark in the market. Raeleen Shya is a genius and a stay at home mom. She has heavily invested in the development of her daughter who is a virtuoso violinist and at the top of her class. Known as the family prankster, when not caring for her family Raeleen spends time investing in the arts and music. She is a patron at the Art Museum. Stacie Shya follows in her mom's footsteps. Not only does she favor her mother, but she also has a knack for music. Although she is still in High School, she has written several violin concertos. Not to disappoint her mom, Stacie continues to perfect her violin and piano skills, though secretly she wants to be an actress. When Telling Jokes Goes Wrong ...