About T-Logic Productions

Welcome to T-Logic Productions News.

T-Logic Productions creates inspirational and entertaining videos, music, and spoken word. I am Tanya Owens and I created T-Logic Productions as a creative outlet. My goal is to be positive, uplifting and to bring some levity to life. I may occasionally post videos that deal with social matters that are important to me, however most blog posts of that nature will be on my other blog Tanya Talks

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications with a concentration in Radio & Television Production (that degree is now split between two different degree programs: Communications & Digital Media Production) and a Minor in Music from SUNY New Paltz. 

I am a licensed DJ, licensed in the State of NY and hosted my own radio show on WRNP. While in college I did my internship at WNBC, NY. I also spent some time working at Taylor Subscription Talk in Tulsa, OK. They were an on-demand service that let listeners listen to satellite radio talk shows on their computers. Using dial-up, they could login and download their favorite shows. They were  the precursor to SirusXM, podcasting and streaming audio. 

I have three Master's degrees: two from Oral Roberts University  and one from Syracuse University.

I invite you to engage with fellow readers/viewers by posting comments. Please be nice as people of all ages will read the comments.

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